Saturday, July 10, 2010

Get Funky with this freebie

They're loud.  They're proud.  They're funky and they're free!
I went through my hard drive and all the old papers on it and found these funky gems.  I thought maybe y'all could use them for a layout that needed an explosion of color.  The preview only gives hints of how loud and funky these papers are.  Some of you may be noticing the preview says "Funky Papers 2" and wondering why.... yes, Virgina, there was a previous freebie of funky papers.  I will relist it again for any who might of missed it.

So if you are brave and think your eyes and your computer monitor can handle all this color, here are your download links on 4shared:

Funky Papers 1 (the original)                                
Funky Papers 2 (the new)

My last freebie (a brick themed alpha and papers) did not get picked up by some of the freebie search engines, so if you missed it please scroll back 2 blog posts and get it.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Coming Soon.....

I've had a bit of a break and gotten some time to scrap. I have a new kit almost finished. I've also been taking lots of pictures of butterflies on the mimosa tree in my backyard. So here is a special preview - a layout of some of the butterfly pics done with some of the items from the new kit:

As usual I am having trouble deciding what to name this kit.  I was thinking of "Coraline" or "Coraturq" since it is shades of coral and turquoise.  I am very open to suggestions.  Here are previews of the papers:

I hope to be in a store and have this new kit for sale by the end of the summer.  And yes, there will be a small sampler freebie to go with it.