These are the same freebies from April 2nd. Mini-kit #4 was posted on 4shared, but you had to do a "Easter Hunt" over at to get mini-kits 1 through 3. Well, the Easter Hunt is long over, so I have uploaded the other 3 kits to 4shared for any one who missed them.
But before I give you the new links, I am going to repeat the
I am going to be taking a hiatus from designing. There is a lot going on in my personal life right now. My mother has Alzheimer's, which is getting bad. She is in a nursing home with hospice care now. Also, I am trying to get into an Alternative Teacher Certification Program and become a high school math teacher. I have to go take the THEA test, which means I need to do some test prep work. There just isn't much time for designing, plus I am often too stressed to be creative. This means that my store at will be closing on April 30th. And it also means that until then everything is on sale!!! 40% to 50% off on all items!! So please, check out the sales here before everything is gone at the end of the month!!
I also want to thank everyone for their words of support. I will post what happens with regards to getting into the program and if anything changes with my mother. When I saw her 2 days ago, it was a good day. She was very alert and talkative, though nothing made sense. I just nodded and said stuff like "oh my" a lot. However, she was really retaining fluids and bloated. Her face looked like somebody had come in with collagen and botox - hardly any wrinkles. No wrinkles ordinarily is good lol.
I may also have a freebie or two to post later on next month. There is still a lot of stuff that I have made sitting on my hard drive. A lot of it is papers, so it might just be paper packs.
Thanks again for the support and here are your 4shared links:
******* Sorry, freebies have expired ****************